
The truly hard stuff

Humans have no real defense for a great story. So, when we begin to explore exercise in any serious way, we have to tread carefully. The allure of fitness marketing is strong. It can be tricky to untangle it from the realities of a sustainable exercise practice. Hard is a compelling story. It’s appealing. It sells. Yet it often falls apart under pressure. That can’t be right. The real hard stuff is more like iron… Continue reading The truly hard stuff

Leave something in the tank

If you want to enjoy continuous progress in your exercise practice, there’s a high-level skill that you need to master. It’s not as granular as technique. It’s not as gritty as… grit. It’s bigger and more universal. It’s also easier—by definition. It’s about leaving something in the tank. That means both energy and motivation. The discipline here is to walk out a winner…. To finish the workout with a bit of energy to spare… To… Continue reading Leave something in the tank

Long-haul strategies

Did you know that, in Japan, they have vending machines that dispense street justice? I kid, of course. Those were banned in the 80s. However, the impulse to quickly fix whatever feels broken is timeless. This desire to right what’s wrong is a beautiful human trait—one of the better angels of our nature. Yet, it is somehow also one of the worst. In the light, this tendency can propel a shy person to stand up… Continue reading Long-haul strategies

How do we get smarter

Author and investor, Adam Robinson has a lot to say about intelligent thinking but we arrive there via learning not to be stupid [editor’s note: my son would prefer that I use the term silly]. Same goal; different path. Most experts, after all, can be identified by the long stretches of output unimpeded by obvious mistakes. From chess to jiu-jitsu, performing at a world-class level is less frequently about genius and far more commonly about… Continue reading How do we get smarter

All that is not

For me, there’s no higher praise than someone bringing their mom in to see me. This happened yesterday and it made my day. A former client and his mom were visiting from California and came in for some help with her knee pain. She had spent the last few years sitting more than anyone would recommend. You could see it in her walk, which was pretty stiff and inelastic. It didn’t fit her. She moved… Continue reading All that is not